Sir – I write in response to Matt Brown’s letter ‘Time to sort gull problem out now’ (Worcester News, August 25).

He makes as little sense as Councillor [Alan] Amos (Worcester News, August 16).

I would like to know where Mr Brown has got his statistics from and point out how contradictory his whole argument is.

We blame the gull for its noisy and anti-social behaviour, yet we have merely created a monster by adding temptation to its own natural instinct.

Seagulls are scavengers and rarely travel far out to sea for food anyway.

If man stopped over- fishing the sea then the gull wouldn’t need to move further in land to scavenge on the mess created by our own kind.

And what about our generous handouts? We like to feed our wildlife such as ducks and swans and other ‘vermin’ (such as pigeons).

Ever thought that once upon a time city folk decided to feed gulls?

And you wonder why their natural mobbing behaviour has led to them ‘attacking’ people for a bag of chips?

If Mr Brown and Councillor Amos want to rant about ‘vermin’, then I think they need to look at our own behaviour first.

Simon McCullough