SIR - Each September, we remember the climax of the Battle of Britain, when many sacrificed their lives so that we could live in a free country.

On Friday, the Government is planning to concede to the European Union the right to determine our legal system and home affairs. This is a key part of the European Constitution that has been rejected abroad while, in the UK, the people have been denied the promised referendum. At stake are not just traditional safeguards such as trial by jury, but also sensitive matters such as ID cards and border controls. It would not really matter who succeeded Mr Blair, as their hands would be tied.

While playing up to a body that can't even produce honest accounts, the Government has been seeking to massage up conviction rates by lowering the standard of proof. Instead of using qualified judges, others such as civil servants would be allowed to convict and automatically debit fines to our bank accounts. The farce of parking and speed camera fines shows that more safeguards are needed, not less.

On being elected, the Prime Minister pledged that the Government was the servant of the people, and that we should never forget it. It is time we held him to that promise.

ANNA CALDER (Mrs), Campaign Manager, New Alliance.