SIR – Your article ‘Cyclist seriously hurt in collision with a van’ (Worcester News, November 5) tells a sad and disturbing story of a lady knocked off her bicycle and seriously hurt by a van.

It also mentions two other cyclists injured by motor vehicles in Worcester in the past few days.

The photograph with your article seems to show that the cyclist was correctly using the bus lane of the highway.

It is very important for safety reasons that only buses and cyclists use bus lanes and that other motorists do not park or drive in them.

Furthermore, it seems to me sensible that cyclists be allowed to share the footway with walkers rather than the highway with motor vehicles in places where they are at risk.

Worcester Bridge is a good example.

The comments from the Safer Road Partnership in your article deal only with safety precautions cyclists should take and do not mention what should be done by the drivers of the vehicles which cause the deaths and injuries to cyclists and walkers.

What does the Safer Road Partnership say to my suggestions?

And what advice do they give to drivers to reduce injury and death risks for cyclists?
