SIR – I read on Friday of Alan Hansen having to apologise for using the term “coloured” on TV during an impassioned plea against racism in football.

This, coupled with the John Terry and Luis Suarez affairs which are quite rightly being fully explored.

But I think the Hansen case is a touch more worrying.

Having worked in a multicultural and multi-racial suburb of Birmingham for a large part of my working life, I count it as the most influential and happiest time of my life.

To me, what it showed up was this; there are racists who we should all stand up against (with actions not just with words), anti-racists and non-racists.

To me, we should all be striving to be non-racist where a person’s colour, religion, caste or nationality doesn’t even warrant consideration.

What we have at the moment are a lot of people examining in great detail every utterance to see if it is racist.

Most racists would never say what they think in public – they are too cute for that.

They believe their warped opinions and keep them quiet.

And quite honestly they are having a field day at the intellectual handringing of people who mean well but more than likely have never lived or worked in a multicultural environment.

We should all keep in mind that racism is a warped and offensive set of beliefs, not just the misuse of words.

We should not simplify it or we will never really beat it.

And we should all be striving for that.
