SIR – The number of letters on your letters page which expressed concerns about the safety and cost of the work done at Whittington roundabout raises serious issues (Worcester News, September 21).

Many people think that this badly designed and chaotic traffic management system is dangerous.

In February, Labour city councillors voted against the Tory budget which contributed to the cost of this work.

Taxpayers’ money called New Homes Bonus was received from central government for the benefit of Worcester residents and Labour wanted this to be spent on more affordable homes for rent.

The Tories and Lib Dems voted to transfer a large proportion of this cash to the county council to pay for socalled improvements to this roundabout outside the city boundary, rather than on housing homeless people.

They intend to transfer even more cash to pay for similar work on two more roundabouts.

None of this work will prevent traffic queues waiting to cross the inadequate Carrington river bridge or provide homes desperately needed by local people.

Councillor PAUL DENHAM

Labour group deputy leader, Worcester City Council