MALVERN’S Rebecca Foster has success in her sights as she prepares to mastermind the challenge of Team GB at the Deaflympics next month.

The 42-year-old, a former All England Schools javelin champion, is the team manager and coach of the six athletes who will be competing in Sofia, Bulgaria, from July 26.

Athletes from across the globe will be in action in a variety of sports during the nine-day event.

It is the third time Foster will have represented her country at the event, having been assistant team manager and coach for the Taipei version in 2009 and Melbourne four years before that.

“As a hearing person, to be a member of the Deaflympic team is a huge privilege,” she said.

“I want the whole squad to have a great Deaflympics, each team has worked so hard.

“For the athletics squad I hope that they compete as best as they can at such an occasion.

“If they get it right in the semis and final each of them has the potential to medal.”

Foster added: “The commitment coming from the athletes has been excellent.

“For half the athletics team, they are returning Deaflympians, for the other three it will be their first experience so it will be a good blend for the team dynamics.”

Despite the huge successes of London 2012 and the Paralympics, the Deaflympics are a separate entity and those competing are self-funded.

Foster, a senior lecturer for adapted PE in Higher Education at the University of Worcester, is hoping to change that by raising the profile of the competition. Many people I talk to assume that deaf athletes are included in the Paralympics,” she said.

“I then have to explain why they are not.

“In order for this to change I think the Deaflympics needs to be covered by a TV channel so people can watch it as they did the Olympics and Paralympics.”

Foster added: “I am always inspired by personal achievement and good sportsmanship.

“The journeys that athletes go on are amazing while they are competing.

“Sometimes they have to overcome so much more than the event they participate in, such as being away from home, following a different diet, being accountable for themselves.

“Sport shows us so much more about the determination of each individual.”