WHITEHALL AC matchman Dave Warren continued his excellent season in club events by smashing the two-and-a-half hour match record on the club pool at Broadheath to win the Thursday evening open with a fantastic carp weight of 74-8-0.

Warren set his new record on peg 22 by offering paste bait at full depth at 10 metres over a bed of pellet feed to take fish up to 12 pounds.

Also with a good catch was runner-up Colin Davis. Better known for his canal exploits, Davis proved he is no slouch at all types of stillwater fishing by netting 47-8-0 on pellet from peg 27 to beat Mike Hope whose all-silver fish catch of 14-12-0 was good enough for third place. Club star Nigel Crane took the honours when Whitehall visited Hallow Pools at Great Witley. By using paste on the pole, Crane was able to amass a winning carp and silver fish weight of 40-4-0. Carl Graham took second with 21-0-0 of carp and Keith Holt came third weighing 17-8-0.

Section winners were: Tom Staite (10-0-0); Paul Edwards (9-6-0); Steve Mitchenhall (9-9-0) and Mike Hope (13-9-0).

Towpath specialists Swan AC held their latest contest on the canal at Stoke Works where travelling member Mike Higginbottom just came out on top. He used his breadpunch bait three quarters across the canal to take roach and skimmers for a winning 3-6-0 total. Les Sanders used the same approach to finish just one ounce adrift with a second-placed 3-5-0.

Again just one ounce short, was third-placed Chris Turner, weighing 3-4-0 of perch, gudgeon and roach taken on squatt, with Mick Samson (2-5-0) relegated to fourth place.

Mick Weston narrowly won his second consecutive Portobello contest when he netted 83-15-0 of carp from Willow Pool at Broadheath Fisheries on corn and pellet.

Gary Brixton used the same bait to take a second-placed 82-12-0. Veteran Ivor Taylor came third with a meat-caught 56-4-0 to beat consistent Pete Coldrick’s corn-fed net of 55-4-0.

Young Luke Reardon is still showing his elders a clean pair of heels, this time by taking a winning 21-15-0 from Hallow Pool at Great Witley during the latest Arbo club event.

His sweetcorn bait, presented at just four metres on peg 13, was accepted by a number of carp to three pounds giving the rising star a clear victory.

Tim Yapp claimed the runner-up prize with 18-3-0 from the margins of peg 16.

Bill Skillbeck ended in third spot weighing 14-10-0, while Ade Wilks came fourth when he took 12-14-0 of pellet fish to the scales.

Any club’s wishing to book the Arbo AC pool at Leigh Sinton should contact Ray Hodgetts on 01905-454448 or ring Ade Wilks on 07713-119758 after 6pm.

Halfway House AC’s annual competition took place on the prolific Furnace Mill Fishery where Anthony Primaverina took the honours when he made the most of his corner peg to net 56-10-0 of carp mainly on floating bread tactics. Carp ace Rob Wilson came second with 55-8-0 taken on corn and pellet, while third place went to match organiser Steve Williams, who fished in similar fashion to the winner weighing in 45-8-0.

The club’s next contest is the singles final at Church Farm Pool on July 12.

Match organisers and club secretaries who would like their results published should ring Alf Hand on 01905-821059 or e-mail alf.hand @btinternet.com.

Other results, Cob House Fisheries, Wednesday open Wyatt’s Pool: 1 Scott Jones (133-3-0 — new pool record, peg 15); 2 Mike Arnold (132-7-0, peg 11); 3 Steve Juliff (96-3-0, peg 26).

Moorlands Farm, Friday afternoon open: 1 S Harris (124-15-0); 2 H Ward (109-12-0); 3 R Skujer (69-0-0).

Saturday Fishomania qualifier: 1 R Wootten (108-8-0); 2 A Bailey (94-15-0); 3 K Webster (85-9-0).

Sunday open: 1 M Watson (58-8-0); 2 N Groves (57-4-0); 3 D Ravenhall (56-7-0).