INDOOR Milan took over at the top of the Worcester Leisure Leagues Nunnery Wood Sunday Division with a 4-3 win over City Slickers.

Rabbits are second as they needed the odd goal in five to beat Glassier Boys, while Big Gunz beat The Star 3-1.

Other results, St John’s Sunday: Team Poland 10, FC Dynamo Chicken Kiev 2; The Wannabe 2, Melissa’s Dream 1; Inter St John’s 8, Ravers United 3; Astro Kings 3, Nightshift 3.

St John’s Thursday: Shaktar Senseless 6, Young Stars 0; Hagley FC 4, Team PL 2.

Elgar College Monday: Slaters FC 12, The Carlton Palmers 5; Allbritain Allstars 10, Elgar All Stars 4.

Perdiswell Wednesday Premier Division: Meadow Celtic 12, Man Utd Reserves 0; Ab Fab Flooring 7, Deportivo Grumblehorn 5.

Division One: Trinity Allstars 11 Foley’s Rejects 0; Bayer Neverlusen 9 Dunelm Dragons 2.