IF Worcester Wolves are to make the British League play-offs, we have to win nine of our last 13 matches — but even that might not be good enough.

However, the good thing for us is that eight of the matches are on our own court at the University of Worcester, starting tonight against Worthing Thunder.

The Thunder game is the beginning of a massive weekend for us because after that we head to Cheshire Jets tomorrow.

But we must win our home games, it is that simple, and pick up some victories on the road too.

We have to go to Worthing, who we have already beaten on their own patch, and Guildford Heat.

Guildford may be up there in the table but we have beaten them twice this season, admittedly at home, so we know it can be done.

Don’t get me wrong, we are looking for a win at Cheshire tomorrow and also in all our other matches.

This week, I took the difficult decision to release guard Kastytis Normantas.

I made it clear last year that he was one of the big three players I wanted to bring back for this season.

But the player who quite rightly earned the nickname Special ‘K’ last term just has not performed the way we all know he can.

He has struggled for form and I think he expected to be released.

Basketball is the national sport in Lithuania and is a way of life so I think if Kastytis had been playing back home, then he would have been released long before now.

With Kastytis gone, I have brought in Sam Cricelli following his exit from Plymouth Raiders.

Sam is someone I tried to sign over the summer but he opted for Plymouth and it hasn’t worked out for him the way he would have liked. I know he will give me 100 per cent all the time.

Sam may not be the most prolific scorer but, with the way he plays the game, will make things happen for us.

That is something we are going to need in our hunt for the play-offs.

At the moment, I believe destiny is in our own hands, despite losing our last four matches.

I’m not used to losing that many in a row and it has been a little concerning for me.

But we have had a good week in training, got a squad with the right balance and are looking to get the season back on track.

I’m also hoping we will find a bit of luck along the way too as earlier in the season we played Mersey Tigers five times in a short period.

At that stage of the year, they looked unbeatable, now they are having a bit of an up-and-down spell — but that is the way it goes sometimes.