WORCESTER’S Tobi Ishi Kai Karate Schools stormed to the top of the leaderboard at the Mushindo British Open Kata Championships at Cheslyn Hay.

A squad of 13 students, ranging from ninth kyu red belt up to first dan black belt, represented the club.

Students were entered into both wado and open divisions with impressive results.

Individual gold medals in the open section were won by Becky Pink and Callum Whatmore.

In the Wado category, the club saw even greater success with individual golds going to Pink, Bryony Danks, Tara Wilson, Whatmore and Emily Davies.

In the pairs, Wilson and Whatmore took both the open and wado titles.

Worcester ended with an impressive points total of 275 and the best club of the day trophy.

The second-placed outfit trailed by more than 100 points.

For information on classes, visit tobiishikai.co.uk or call Justine Wilson-Cleife on 07793-212426.

Results (gold,silver,bronze): Whatmore 4-1-0, Wilson 3-2-0, Pink 2-0-1, Danks 1-1-1, Davies 1-1-1, Sian Morgan 0-1-1, Cerys Danks 0-1-1, Imogen Jammal 0-1-0, Kyle Harding 0-0-2, Jessica Bishop 0-0-2, Hannah Reid 0-0-2, Samantha North 0-0-1.