Worcester News:

Primary School of the Year

This award will go to an exceptional primary school. Has this school shone with outstanding achievements? Have they made improvements and seen great results? Have they introduced something new and exciting to improve the education of the pupils? Was it down to innovative ways of working; parental involvement; pure determination - or something else?.

All submissions must be 500 words or less.

Fields maked with * are mandatory.

Your Details


Phone Number*

Email Address*


Nomination Details

Name/Organisation Name*

Phone Number (if known)

Email Address (if known)

Address (if known)

Social Media Link (Twitter/Facebook if known)


1. Why should they win this award?*

2. What have been your/their key achievements over the last school year?*

3. What level have they been given during their most recent Ofsted or ISI inspection?*

4. How are they going above and beyond?*

5. Any other matters of significance?*