Private Grazier - Ninth Battalion.


Gallipoli: Yeomanry in front line trenches under command of Major JC Coventry, Major Lyttelton Second-in-command. France: 1/8th Batt Diary - A hostile patrol bombed the covering party in front of our wire work, all grenades falling short.

Tenth Battalion working party of 300 men to Indian Village and 100 men to Haystack Post.

"An appeal to amateur photographers. "Be it never so humble, there's no place like home". A Snap-shots-from-Home League has been formed for the purpose of satisfying our soldiers' longing for a glimpse of the old place. The League asks that friends will take snapshots of the wives and children, the mothers and the sweethearts of the brave fellows who have enlisted from their own immediate neighbourhood. A few snapshots will put more heart into these brave lads than anything else you could send them. The Worcester Camera Club has undertaken the work locally, the Reverend W H Condy and Mr. G H Haycox being the Hon Secretaries.

Information researched by WWW100 and Melanie Ballam.