THEY may say that chivalry is dead.

But one woman whose car was stranded in floodwater on Pitchcroft Car Park found her knight in shining armour in the form of Worcester News photographer Jonathan Barry.

He may not wear a cape, but Jonathan sprung to the rescue of the driver gallantly giving her a piggyback through the floodwaters yesterday afternoon.

Before being carried to her car, Sally Griffiths, 46, from Stourport, said: "I parked here first thing, it would have been about 10am. It wasn't like this, maybe one or two puddles.

"It is not very good."

Just like Spiderman's alias Peter Parker, once he heroically waded through the floodwaters and safely carried the woman to her car he got back to his day job - photographing the city's floods.

He's the superhero Worcester deserves and probably the one it needs right now.

For more on Worcestershire's floods click here.