SIR – I think the Tory Government must be running out of ideas for saving money.

Once again, they have come up with a stupid and disgraceful way of getting money back. Now they are thinking of making pensioners do voluntary work or lose some of their pension.

I would like to say it’s us pensioners who have put a lot into this country by working most of our lives. We worked from the age of 15 years old until we were almost into old age – when my boys were small I worked.

Why don’t they stop giving money to all those single mums who get pregnant to get houses and what they can out of our tax we paid in for years?

Also, make the people who won’t look for work do the volunteering so they give something back.

The sooner they stop giving handouts to all the people coming into our country for a soft touch the better. The sooner the Tory government is out the better for all on every aspect.

Carole Roberts
