SIR - After at least 10 years, the serious subject of global warming has now belatedly come to the top of the news items.

The latest suggestion to cure it is to tax us until our ears bleed and stop us using and eating everything we need or want, that makes life acceptable in this modern age - such as cars and food!

This is yet another scam - this time of monumental proportions - by our avaricious government.

This country produces just two per cent of the harmful global gases that are doing the damage, so requests imploring me to "switch off that light and save the planet" will go completely unheeded, until they get the major polluting nations on board, as well!

In China, one factory chimney alone produces the equivalent daily poisonous emissions of a whole small English town.

I am far from convinced that England can do this job single handed and applying even more crippling taxes to our already over-taxed economy, is blackmail and should be strongly resisted!

As I said, it is a scam of the first order and the idea should be ignored until the major polluting nations show willing and start putting their own houses in order.