SIR - Because I have gout in both feet, I hired a taxi for an appointment with the doctor.

The taxi company I hired was 25 minutes late arriving, which made me anxious that I would miss my appointment.

After seeing the doctor, the receptionist ordered a taxi to take me home. After waiting half an hour, the receptionist again rang the taxi company. They said they had been 20 minutes earlier and there was no one to pick up.

So she re-booked the taxi, after another half an hour.

She rang again and they said they were just turning into the doctors' surgery. After another half-hour there was no sign of them. What a way to run a taxi company.

But the main reason I'm writing this letter is to thank a good samaritan, Chris Chapman from Hallow. When he heard of my plight he offered me a lift home. I'm very grateful.

JOHN SHEARON, Worcester.