SIR – While many welcome the university’s expansion and the Hive is a credit to all involved, there is a down side.

A significant proportion of the university’s students now live within residential areas surrounding the city centre, with predictable results regarding drunken, anti-social behaviour occurring throughout the small hours.

This is having a detrimental effect on existing residents.

Having experienced weeks of loud music, screaming, shouting, drunken yobbish behaviour, taxis coming and going at all hours and doors banging as well as broken bottles and empty fast food packing being discarded, I have been in regular contact with environmental health and the local police.

They have told me this is an issue being repeated throughout the city wherever there is a large student population.

With landlords readily converting any suitable building to accommodate the increasing student population, this also means revenue loss as no council tax is payable by students.

It means council tax previously paid on these properties is lost and so is subsidised by other council tax paying residents of Worcester. And then there is the cost involved in dealing with students and cleaning up after them.

P Markland
