SIR – Since the 1980s, the dogma of privatisation has taken root, creating mind-boggling absurdities in such fields as transport and energy where so-called competition is a shambolic pretence.

However, the worst examples are taking place now in the NHS.

GP practices are forced by law to put their treatments out to tender in competition with willing providers, a Blairite concept first introduced by Labour and continuing under the Tories and the Lib Dems. These processes do nothing positive for primary care.

On the contrary, they will destroy the hard work by GP practices in creating comprehensive one-stop clinics and splinter services so that patients can find themselves visiting dozens of ‘providers’ around the county for this or that procedure.

Private sector innovators who create new products and industries such as in IT or domestic appliances, for example, have a valid claim to their rewards for their enterprise.

The vampires who stalk the corridors of the NHS seeking contracts do not.

This privatisation process is a gift to multi-national business interests looking for soft opportunities with big returns from the taxpayer, such as Gordon Brown’s PFI scandal.

With Labour starting it and the Tories and LibDems carrying on with it, who will defend the NHS against the privatisation vampires?

Peter Nielsen
