SIR - The RAC Foundation is campaigning to change the law on clamping so that motorists like the former soldier you featured on your pages can no longer be preyed on by clamping firms that impose outrageous fines in the most dubious of circumstances.

Stories like this have prompted us to open nominations for our annual national search for the UK's worst clamper.

The winner will become the recipient of the notorious Dick Turpin' award for being the modern-day equivalent of a highway robber. Previous winners have included a Yorkshire wheel clamper who was nominated for immobilising a car while the driver was asleep in the vehicle; and a London clamper who was found to be charging £435 to return a car once it had been towed away. Although it has been a criminal offence to clamp vehicles on private land in England and Wales without a Security Industry Authority licence since 2005, the law does not set a limit on the fees which clampers charge; nor is there any statutory regulation on the size or readability of signs, nor is there an independent tribunal to hear appeals.

Motorists who are coerced into paying extortionate fines suffer great distress and have no means of redress other than court action. We believe that this must change. We are asking MPs to call on the Government to reconsider the need for statutory regulation and a proper appeals system, like the one for parking tickets issued by councils.

To help us make the case for change, the RAC Foundation would like to invite readers of the Worcester News to contact us with their clamping nightmare stories.

Such case studies will be used to establish the worst clamper in the country.

SHEILA RAINGER, Campaigns Manager RAC Foundation 020 7747 3486