SIR - Remembrance Day is approaching once again. Now is the time when we pay tribute to those who gave their lives in two world wars so that we can enjoy the freedom we take for granted today. It is also an opportunity to remember all those who have fallen during more recent conflicts in defence of peace and liberty in areas such as Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

We must never allow time to dim the memory of their sacrifice, nor forget the pain felt by their loved ones. We can show our gratitude and our respect for those whose lives were so tragically cut short by helping the Royal British Legion in the valuable work it does for ex-servicemen and women and their dependents.

The work of the Royal British Legion and their Poppy Appeal has my wholehearted support and I would ask everyone to support this year's Poppy Appeal with all the generosity they can afford.

COUNCILLOR IAN IMRAY, Mayor of Worcester.