SIR – There is no doubt that the two additional pedestrian crossings on St Peter’s Drive in Worcester have gone a long way to providing safer pedestrian passage across the road at the respective sites of Norton Road and Farne Avenue.

However, together with many other users, I am sure, I am still waiting for the beacon lights at the Norton Road crossing to be upgraded to the same level as those on Farne Avenue.

That is, the LED halos on the Farne Avenue site provide considerably more warning to drivers than those at Norton Road, which, during the day are not bright enough on their own, and at night are lost in the light pollution brought about by street lighting.

The Norton Road crossing also lacks the lowered spotlights as built at the Farne Avenue site.

In my opinion, the Norton Road crossing is on the faster section of St Peter’s Drive and as such should be afforded at least the same amount of visibility as its counterpart.

Already I have witnessed instances where a driver has failed to see the crossing until the last moment and has braked hard to stop, or not even stopped at all.

I was in favour of the central refuge at the Norton Road pedway in that it acted as a halfway house for pedestrians and cyclists and it was a more effective traffic calming measure. Despite popular opinion, there are many drivers who exceed the speed limit of 30mph, some considerably more so.

However, that is a separate issue.

