SIR – Roberta Balfour (Worcester News, March 25) is understandably confused regarding VIVA!

Firstly there is no such registered charity as “Vegetarians International Voices for Animals”.

There is, however, a charity called Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation which sometimes uses the name VIVA!

This charity operates from Bristol where it also houses two private limited companies also called VIVA!

The first, VIVA! (Bristol) Ltd is property leasing company, the second VIVA! (Campaigns) Ltd regrettably does not disclose its business.

They all use the same phone number, bank, and employ the same director and company secretary.

The VVF or VIVA! charity has issued a large amount of very detailed information on making VIVA! the main beneficiary of your last will and testament. This includes avoiding inheritance tax and even appointing the director of VIVA! as sole executor of such a will. Anyone wishing to benefit VIVA!, contrary to normal thinking, are persuaded to bequeath their estate to the company VIVA! (Campaigns) Ltd rather than the actual charity.

Ms Balfour accused me of not “checking” the “facts’’, she might now realise that the “facts” are correct and hopefully this will help her appreciate the workings of VIVA! in all its forms.

