SIR – Re the plea for votes and the quote from Simon Geraghty, Conservative deputy leader at Worcestershire County Council: “We are campaigning on our track record locally” (Worcester News, April 10).

It instantly reminded me of his track record regarding the disabled and any disabled visitor to Worcestershire.

While representing the voters from the Riverside ward, which includes St Clement’s, he was responsible for throwing the disabled off the St Swithin’s Street blue badge parking area and giving the spaces to taxis.

Then on the letters page of the Worcester News (April 10) I see someone from a 20-year long standing disability mobility group appealing for help because it was closing due to having their funding stopped by the local Tory ruling group, of which Councillor Geraghty is an influential player.

Perhaps as well as a new flag for Worcestershire (Worcester News, April 8), which I support, we could say Worcestershire Tories welcome visitors but not the disabled.

