SIR – I share many of letter writer Matthew Jenkins’ sentiments (Worcester News, September 13) with respect to the economy and its attendant problems.

However, Mr Jenkins makes some sweeping statements in his final paragraphs, supported by the fanciful ‘Green New Deal’.

While having some laudable aims, the Green New Deal includes £50 billion of ‘green quantitative easing’ (more debt then) and the need for government to intervene in the economy to create jobs.

The fact it’s been government interference in the economy which has created many of our present problems seems to have eluded the authors of this work of fiction.

The council cutbacks that Mr Jenkins laments are an unfortunate part of a rebalancing of the economy.

The public sector is too big and has to be reduced to allow the private sector to flourish and create jobs and wealth.

The way to improve quality of life in years ahead lies via a small state and a healthy private sector.

This will be underpinned with affordable energy, not ineffectual, subsidised windfarms.

Managed immigration will ensure we get workers with the skills we need, rather than flooding the market with excess unskilled labour.

