SIR – I can remember cars parked in Worcester High Street and a bobby on the zebra crossing controlling the traffic by Woolworth’s.

Now, according to James Connell’s article (Worcester News, September 23) and supported by a picture taken by trader Richard Carter of deserted streets at 3.30pm, it is a far cry when the shopping centre was more like Piccadilly Circus (at least at Christmas time.) Due to progress, we now have traffic- free areas but fewer shoppers to enjoy the environment.

Due to the car parking charges gradually being increased, motorists naturally have gone mainly to trading estates where parking is free and who can blame them?

If the city shops are ever to recover the trading levels they once enjoyed then car parking fees must either be very cheap or entirely free.

Otherwise Worcester really will be just a ‘ghost town’.

Generally motorists today will never be persuaded to use public transport nor in a lot of cases shanks’s pony. Most are too lazy.

