SIR – I understand that 700,000 people applied to buy shares in Royal Mail.

It was fascinating watching people attempting to buy shares in a business they already own.

It was an interesting sales tactic by the Tory-led government.

You already own a business but they sell it to you again at a knock-down price, selling a business owned by the taxpayer to the taxpayer at a loss to the taxpayer.

However, if the postal service in Worcester is an example of how a privatised Royal Mail will now treat their customers the business will soon fail and the new shareholders willbe the losers.

Since the changes we no longer get our mail in the morning – now delivered at 3pm if we are lucky – this damages small business and consumers.

Also, a birthday card posted with an expensive first class stamp in Worcester for delivery in Worcester, a distance of less than a mile, posted on a Thursday is delivered the following Tuesday.

I just hope those people who have been hoodwinked into buying the shares are not expecting their certificates through the post!

