SIR – The community of Old St Martin’s Church in the Cornmarket identifies their much-loved church as that described by SM Campbell in her letter of November 21.

We are saddened that she is upset by aspects of our development proposals, ‘Gift to the Community’; after all, the church is there, among much else, for those ‘with heavy hearts’.

It is also there to serve others after the example of Jesus and our own patron Saint Martin who shared his cloak with a poor man.

The heart of our life and tradition as a congregation remains the worship of God ‘in the beauty of holiness’.

Sermons may be read from sheets of paper but they are delivered sincerely, and based on the scriptures and traditions of the church.

Our geographical position in a part of Worcester designated for major redevelopment is giving us an opportunity, under God, to highlight the 1,000-year heritage of our site: to offer access to both churchyard garden and church as places of rest and refreshment, and to provide in a refurbished parish (mission) room updated facilities for community use…in short, to be ‘gift to the community’ in response to Jesus Christ, who is gift to us.

Visitors to the church are most welcome; it’s open daily from Tuesdays to Saturdays as well as for worship on Sundays, and currently Christmas cards for good causes are on sale at the west end.

A heritage timeline and information about our proposals are all on display.

So far as the pews are concerned, though Victorian, they are 100 years newer than the Georgian Church, and we have an Archdeacon’s Certificate for the experimental removal of some of them as we continue our discussions on the various aspects of our project.