SIR – Chris Burrows is absolutely on the money when he says (letters, December 27) that we have been “sold a lie by our present government” over our economy and national finances.

However, he is in error when supposing that (at least, in Chancellor Osborne’s own terms) “they have got it wrong”.

As he correctly points out, Osborne has done serious damage to our economy; but the Chancellor’s agenda is political rather than financial.

There is a whole lot more hardship (austerity) budgeted to assail us, such that a smaller state be reduced to what it was in 1948; and inequality and deprivation be increased to levels not seen since Victorian times.

Against this very clear (but widely misunderstood) background, it is salutory to remind ourselves that Cameron and Osborne, when in opposition, criticised the last government for not spending enough; and that the reality is that the global financial crisis was caused by private – not public – debt, fed by greedy casino managers who called themselves bankers and creamed off wholly immoral pay packages. Unfortunately, both Tory and New Labour governments failed to regulate banking properly.

The wonder of the age is that Labour, both locally and nationally, has opted not to strain to put the truth to the electorate. Is it that they do not understand; or is it that they will forever be in thrall to the Tory national press and to the prawn cocktail circuit?

