I wish to add to the discussions about the development of the Cornmarket and Trinity House site in Worcester and propose using the space for a really good concert hall.

A public concert and events hall stood on this site from 1849 (originally, but briefly, a Cornmarket) until its demolition in 1966. It was a grand building, with a magnificent organ, and could hold a full orchestra and choir, as photos of Sir Edward Elgar conducting his own works there show.

Wouldn’t it be good to restore the loss of “The Public Hall” by giving Worcester the new, state-of-the-art, good-sized concert hall it needs. The City has a valued musical tradition but it is hampered by lack of venues. Huntingdon Hall is small with a tiny stage; local theatres are far from ideal; and the Cathedral, whilst large and atmospheric, has very difficult acoustics, as well as uncomfortable seating and no backstage facilities.

If we had a proper concert hall then both local musicians would benefit and top-class orchestras, choirs, opera groups and popular music bands could put us on their touring circuits and enhance the musical life of the City. No doubt it would be a big fundraising task initially, but once achieved we would have an asset for many generations to come.

Helen Lubin.
