Sir - Under the headline 'Ex-wife to keep fighting for equal share of £150m fortune' (Times, Feb 11), we read that divorcee Alison Sharland, dissatisfied with a settlement of £10.4 million in cash and property, wants half of everything from her former husband..

If a wife enjoys a comfortable lifestyle, with a nice home, holidays, and cars, all courtesy of the hard work and endeavours of her husband, why is she considered to be entitled to half of all that he has earned upon divorce? We saw a high profile example of this nonsense when Paul McCartney divorced, and she tried to extort more than £70 million from the fortune only his hard work and creativity had amassed. In fact, she was the only person who had already profited from the brief four year marriage, as she was able to use the McCartney brand to help enhance the sales of a book she wrote, and no doubt, all household expenses, holidays, etc during the marriage were covered only by Paul McCartney.

When will divorcing men stop being held to ransom by greedy and undeserving ex wives, who have done nothing more than enjoy the fruits of their husband's labours throughout their marriage? The balance is already firmly in the women's court when custody of children is considered, so there is currently no aspect of marriage breakdown which benefits men, or even affords them equal treatment under the law. Marriage anyone?

Will Richards
