Sir - Everyday, or at least it seems that way, we here news reports of acts carried out against each other that leave us wondering what the world is coming to.

More and more these days it seems that the value we place on each other as individuals or even a species is diminishing. Stabbings and muggings are reported almost daily somewhere in the country, road rage is common place and no one has any patience, time to help or interest in their fellow human kind.

Might sound extreme and I realise not everyone is really this way but more and more we do witness acts and omissions against others that leave any sane individual thinking why?

I have a theory which I am sure will be shot down by some but just think about the way we live today and ask yourself is technology and its advancement always a force for good?

It starts with the car, most people have one often several in the family. We leave our front doors and get in to our sanitised metal cages often with no need, opportunity or want to chat with a neighbour, perfect isolation. You can today if you think about it actually live your life without the need to actually talk to anyone.

Fuel your car automatically, shop for anything on line and have it delivered to the door, conduct your banking and business affairs electronically, message via phone, facebook, twitter, email and other mediums.

You call a service provider and often get referred to an automated menu again without the need to talk to an actual person and we are raising our children to live this way. I seriously wonder if much of the issue we experience around social problems and violence to one another is because we are actually losing the ability to interact with each other in a way that promotes the value we should ordinarily place on each other?

We are in effect becoming immune to feelings and emotions and just see each other as objects in life and of no specific value.

Yes I know we need technology and yes I know the vast majority of people at present strive for a good and law abiding life but I can’t help but wonder if we don’t all check ourselves and the generations to follow from time to time we may see a very different future. Just a thought?

K Webb.
