Sir - I could not believe what I read last week, a civic service in February 2015 for our current mayor. We really have slipped to an all time low! in the interest`s of saving money should we not have the civic service in May 2015?

Let Cllr Amos have his five minutes of fame by leading the mayoral procession from the Guildhall to the Cathedral during the service hand over the chain of office to the in-coming mayor for 2015/16 he can then lead the procession back to the Guildhall, with Cllr Amos bringing up the rear, allowing him to slip quietly out of the limelight for good!.

That way we can all celebrate the end of this farcical situation, welcome in the new mayor, the city saves money by having a one service, in turn this would reduce the embarrassment to our city.

Last but not least think of those poor old VIP`s that don't really want to attend this mayoral merry go round of a service, but tradition and good manors dictate their attendance.

Everyone a winner!

Gary Kibblewhite
