Sir - Whilst we, like many of your readers, enjoy George Cowley's regular letters, we were disappointed to read his letter of 21st July ("My father was right about union leaders").

As Pope Francis pointed out, " Trade Unions have been an essential force for social change, without which a semblance of a decent and humane society is impossible under capitalism."

Our Branch is fighting daily to preserve public services, not just in schools and libraries, but in areas such as dementia care that George has sung the praises of in the past (but which are now to be privatised by the County Council). We're not fat cats, we're ordinary working men and women trying to protect the things previous generations fought hard to build.

If George would like to know more, in the spirit of mutual understanding and respect, we'd be happy to welcome him at our Worcester Office anytime!

Jim Price

Branch Secretary

UNISON Worcestershire County Branch