Sir - Bedroom tax is a premeditated policy of abuse of the poorest and most vulnerable of tenants and its no surprise that here in Worcester the statistics show it has caused hardship and risk of eviction for hundreds.

It is amongst the most toxic things to emerge from Westminster in decades despite the valiant efforts of the House of Lords. Forced into a corner with the benefits rules re written against them debts are mounting and its a combined cruel certainty that most will find moving to a smaller place very difficult and eviction will become very real unless they deprive themselves of other things to make up the deficit.

It will be little comfort to the many in this situation that Ian Harkess of Fortis Housing explains how much they have done to assist tenants prepare for this change to housing benefit.

The plain fact is Fortis like other landlords cannot help many into smaller accommodation nor can they tolerate escalating arrears balances.

The bottom line is is several hundred people cannot keep their rent account up to speed then eventually in months or years it will end on only one way, with a notice giving them a date to get out,

What is truly disturbing is the defiant unyielding defence by Government Ministers and sadly our own M.P Robin Walker. What example does it provide to young schoolchildren growing up in a society where we treat people like this and where out elected officials endorse it in the face of all the evidence of the pointless suffering and debt it generates ? The removal of the 'spare room subsidy' as it is officially called saves little if anything because many will flee to the more costly private sector with fewer bedrooms and will receive more housing benefit. And there is an emotional impact of uprooting a loved home with all its memories and investment in decor and garden etc not to mention the considerable removal expenses. Its time the idea went to the great recycling plant of government initiatives

Andrew Brown