Sir - Would somebody like to update my wife and me, as local Council Taxpayers, as to the progress

or non-progress on what is I suppose might laughably be called the New Bridge?

If I had a job done on the outside of my house and left the roadway, the front of my property, the boundaries, scaffolding and debris lying around for what is fast approaching two years, then no doubt Wychavon or Worcestershire would be on my tail threating me with all kinds of legal action if I did not clear it up.

Why should we have to tolerate a shocking design for the roadside railings, which, being so badly and un-safely created

now have to be wrapped in chicken-wire to stop children falling through? (quite regardless of the appalling design of the railings in the first place - I have seen better on roadsides and bridges in poorer and eastern European countries). Why should there be a never-ending obstruction of plywood cladding, scaffolding poles, inaccessible pathways and closed stairways not far short of two years after the start of a job we were told might take ten weeks! Why do I have to apologise and laugh-off comments from visitors to our home and town who ask if the bridge has been vandalised?

Did I help to pay for this monstrosity through my Council and national taxation? Or was it all paid for by some lunatic with too much of other people's money to spend who is now holding us to ransom unless we pay up the remaining 50% amounting to £14.17p!! That's just my estimate although putting the total value of the bridge at £28.34p is pushing it a bit.

For goodness sake, local councillors, builders, contractors, solicitors, surveyors and all the other highly (over) paid professionals, can we have our bridge back? Oh! And, by the way, could we occasionally see at least one person actually working there?

Eric and Viv Jones
