Sir - Journalist Simon Heffer who writes for the Daily Mail comments in the New Statesman that the conservative party has been in a state of deep uncertainty since the defection of Douglas Carswell to the UKIP.

He says that it has been on the verge of a split but that in fact it has it has already happened.

It is said that Tory MPs have watched the haemorrhaging from their constituency associations over the past four years of activists who have abandoned the party over disillusion with its policies and its failures to be more robustly and unapologetically conservative.

Cameron's arrogance causes him to believe what he wants to believe rather than what is rational to believe. When leader of the opposition he thought and repeatedly stated that he could repudiate the Treaty of Lisbon once he became Prime Minister.

Senior diplomats told him that he could not because it is locked into all other European treaties Britain had signed once it concluded the Treaty of Brussels in 1972.

In his recent reshuffle he dispensed with the services of Dominic Grieve as attorney general apparently because Grieve persisted in telling him that he could not get rid of the EU Human Rights laws without leaving the EU.

No doubt the plot will continue to thicken until 7th May 2015.

Wendy Hands
