Worcester's wonderful new Swimming Pool

An eight -lane Short Course Championship Swimming Pool for Worcester must have a depth of 1.8 metres from end to end, say the ASA.

This will produce the very best competition times for our athletes.

However, that's for about 3% of the time the pool is used for competitions ! What about the other 97% of the time the pool is used for recreation?

How many adults, let alone children, would want to swim in water that has a 'minimum' depth of 5'11''? Not many ladies, or men for that matter, would be able to touch the bottom. I would suggest that the pool with a depth of just under 6 feet would reduce the numbers of swimmers by about 50%.

How can Worcester justify appeasing just 3% of the users, making the pool totally uneconomical to run?

There is a solution however, the new main-pool must have a movable floor. (I understand its not in the 'main-pool' plans at present). This make it possible to reduce the depth to 3 feet at the shallow end, with a gentle slope to 6 feet at the deep end. Thus keeping everyone happy, and increasing the attendance to the maximum possible.

Oh, I do hope its not too late to include a movable floor in the 'main-pool'. Who's ear can I talk in to make it happen?

Godfrey Harvey - Retired Manager of Lowerwick Pool.