sir - Robin Walker states in relation to his desire to reintroduce fox hunting - 'I am focused on the economy, education and health - these are the things people care about rather than obsessing over this'.

This of course begs the obvious question then as to why he wants to specifically waste parliamentary time to promote the pastimes of the rich and bloodthirsty at the expense of those items he claims to be focused on?

If Worcester voters want a typical example of how out of touch with the normal electorate the Tory option is, then look no further.

Robin is clearly more interested in bending over backwards to satisfy a minority who enjoy animal cruelty, rather than representing hard working people who are struggling to make ends meet, find quality schools for their children and who rely on ever increasingly squeezed hospitals to deliver care.

Finally, If Robin thinks not killing foxes doesn't improve animal welfare, then perhaps he would like to tell us what this delusional view is based on.

Paul Crouch
