SIR - Most people will find this letter controversial, so please take a step back, a deep breath and count to ten, before you start shouting.

We all have our own views and this letter won't change a thing because the man that I'm talking about has hit us all in the picket, and I mean all.

Doing so must have cost him many sleepless nights and painful days, being abused, people laughing at him, swearing, some even spitting, and some days he would not dare to open a newspaper for fear of what the headlines might be - on the other hand I don't think it would bother him!

He was given the job a few years ago, the job of putting the economy back on track after the banking disasters. He took the job and made up his mind what to do, and he has stuck to it through thick and thin.

I am not politically minded, but I know a lot of you are, in fact whoever is voted in on election day I try to support, and I think the whole country should do the same, unlike in the House of Commons where they keep shouting at each other. When we have a crisis we should pull together, it's a bit like running with the fox and the hounds.

We are nearly through this crisis now, and when we are I hope they give this man a knighthood. He has made some very big decisions, under a lot of stress, and I think he needs some credit, love or hate him, I think most of you will agree.

It has been a worthwhile crisis, which has made it even harder for him. So I say, thank you and arise Sir George Osbourne!