SIR - I wish to express my continuing deep concern at the huge traffic increases being seen in the Battenhall residential area of Worcester.

While some of this increase is down to the large number of flats built in the area recently, it is mostly due to intensified use of the four schools in the area and the continuing habit of parents driving children to school rather than allowing them to walk.

The traffic is also increasing in the evenings and at weekends to unacceptable levels, as a result of national and local government policies to utilise schools more intensively for public and social activities, in addition to education.

While we all must accept that traffic is destined to continue increasing generally, the University of Worcester appears to be intending to compound the matter unnecessarily in Battenhall by apparently maintaining its emphasis on the original Evendine Close access to its massive playingfields development, rather than pursuing seriously the alternative, less intrusive access points, as requested by the city council's planning committee in November last year.

Surely a large, allegedly responsible, body such as the university has an additional duty to ensure that it contributes to the improvement of the urban environment rather than attempting to destroy it through sheer laziness of approach?

Neil Rayner, Worcester