SIR - I see hidden in a long list of ministerial statements that John Prescott's department of nobody has been given another 30 per cent rise on the money that it was awarded in November.

His department of nobody now receives £2.5 million a year. On top of that, Prescott receives £284,921 a year for pension, salary and allowances which includes the council tax on his house in Hull.

This brings the total cost of keeping Prescott in London to almost £3 million.

What does he have to show for it? He has spent £645 changing the sign on his office door from Office of the Deputy Prime Minister' to the Deputy Prime Minister's Office'.

Another taxing activity has been to spend £726 on designing new fancy business cards. Ah, but he has been busy writing his autobiography, or at least someone has for him.

This Government has lost control and has become arrogant. What could all this waste in this and other Government areas do for the health service, pensioners or schools?

And what about our MP Mike Foster, what does he have to show for his salary and expenses? All I can see is a vague attempt to curb fox hunting. What does that do for Worcester?

Peter Jewell, Droitwich.