Sir - As the former Chairman of the Worcester branch of UKIP I believe that all UKIP supporters in Worcester should actually VOTE FOR ROBIN WALKER .

On the 25th October 2011 in the House of Commons Robin Walker voted in favour of holding a debate on the EU with the view that we the people of the UK should be allowed a referendum on membership of the EU.

By voting as he did he incurred the wrath of the Prime Minister and most other Tory MP's. He gave voice and action to his fathers book "Trust the People".

When Nigel Farage announced that UKIP would contest every parliamentary constituency in the country he clearly made a fatal mistake.

Most UKIP supporters are ex Tory supporters. By contesting Worcester and opposing Robin Walker UKIP will be aiding the Labour Party. When I was Chairman of the UKIP branch I wrote to Farage imploring that they should not oppose Robin Walker. My plea was ignored . This was one of the reasons why I resigned .

The only reason that UKIP exists is that they want to withdrawer from the EU. With Robin Walker as our MP we will have a Member of Parliament that will support our right to have a referendum . The Labour Party will not offer us that right. Instead their Worcester candidate will follow her party leader and refuse us that vote .

In addition to Robin Walker supporting our right to a referendum on membership of the EU he has also been an extremely active MP . He has been doing the job he was elected to do namely represent Worcester .

Yes , Robin you "Trust the People" and the people can "Trust Robin Walker "!

Carl Humphries
