SIR - Recently I was a patient in Worcestershire Royal Hospital and felt that I had to put pen to paper to say a few complimentary words about the treatment I received there.

On getting back to my flat in Worcester after doing my shopping, I suddenly became very ill. I pulled the telecare cord, which was quickly answered by the on-duty operator.

When I told her how I was, she immediately said: "Ambulance and warden on their way." During the next few minutes they continued talking to me to re-assure me that help was on its way.

A paramedic arrived and very quickly gave me a morphine injection to kill the pain, close behind him came the warden, and shortly after that the ambulance and paramedics arrived.

When I got to the hospital, I was taken into accident and emergency and was immediately put into a cubicle where a doctor and nurse attended me. After receiving treatment from them, I was transferred to a surgical assessment unit, where I received more treatment. 24 hours later I was transferred to Beech 1, where I had more treatment given with care and dignity.

One night at midnight I found myself with a problem. On pushing the emergency button, two nurses were with me within seconds. They dealt with it and continued to monitor me throughout the night.

I have nothing but high praise for the doctors, surgeons, nurses, paramedics, even the cleaning staff who kept the ward spotlessly clean, Worcester Community Housing telecare line operators, and wardens.

I am now well and back home, truly thankful for all that was done for me by the hospital and WHC. Thanks be to God for all these people who work so hard to make sick people like me well again.

In my thanks, I must not forget my daughter and dear friends who supported me during a very distressing time.

Thank you and God bless you all.