SIR - So it's time for Elgar College of Technology to go through the exact same situation as Elbury Mount Primary School did, is it?

I can see many many similarities between the two schools and the way the local education authority (LEA) has denied the school the help that is needed.

Now that does not just involve the LEA but also the councillors within the whole of Worcestershire.

We need people who are strong and committed, who are not afraid to ask awkward questions and demand what's needed.

There is a lot that needs to be done, as an ex-employee of the now deceased Elbury Mount Primary School, I take a keen interest in following how the LEA is handling this area's schooling.

So what needs to happen to support Elgar now? I would urge the LEA and the councillors to work together with the community to come up with a solution and not to just sit in an office wondering how to get egg off their faces.

I know that the local community would be in full support of Elgar if it was involved - please let it help!

I have children at Elgar and they all have different needs. No two children are the same, some have greater needs than others.

My children get the education they want and need, they are all mixed and I expect some to do better than others.

I know a lot of parents who have children who attend Elgar and I have to say Elgar is not failing all of them, just a minority.

How is it that when we look at something we will always look at the 5 per cent that is negative and not the 95 per cent good?

A change of headship or governors or even a whole new team of staff does not work. Even new buildings that, in my view, are not fit for the purpose, will not solve the problems.

These things did not work with Elbury Mount Primary School and they will not work any better with Elgar College of Technology.

I wish everyone involved the greatest of luck and goodwill; we all know you are going to need it.

M Lloyd, Worcester.