SIR - The double standard hypocrisy of the Labour Party is absolutely unbelievable.

For nearly 20 years Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband etc all totally refused Britain a referendum vote on the EU.

Now due to verbal doorstep battering by voters they say yes you should have a vote and even the 16 and 17 year olds.

Why is that? Well they know young people are more likely to vote yes to stay in the EU.

That's exactly what the pro EU Labour Party fanatics want, and if that destroys the freedom of the British people to make our own laws and govern ourselves. Well that's the very least of their worries.

Is it any wonder the Labour Party have been completely wiped out in Scotland and heavily defeated in England. They will be in political wilderness for very many years.

Even after a re-incarnated King Canute has finally pushed the waves back.

K HEMMING Worcester