SIR – The A4440 leading to junction seven on the M5 motorway has been extensively altered recently but not to the benefit of the people of south Worcestershire. 
Road users from Malvern regularly encounter serious congestion on this route principally because of the traffic islands at the Ketch and Norton lane.
Both of these islands should have been modified to include underpasses which would have allowed motorway traffic unhindered progress to a better thought out gyratory system and on to the motorway.
Driving to the Worcester hospital the other day I came across the ultimate insult to the people of south Worcestershire.
A sign by the side of the road instructing drivers when queuing to use both lanes of the newly created dual carriageway. There has clearly been a total lack of imagination by local planners as to the needs of local drivers. 
Is it too late to give serious consideration to major alterations of this road especially in view of the additional 800 new homes planned for at Newland on the outskirts of Malvern.

Science must be used for ethical purposes
SIR – We hear on the national news about  the so-called “global economy”.  I have yet to understand how this might exist as an entity?  Perhaps someone might enlighten me?
We also learn that “DNA editing” is now a possibility for some scientists apparently interested in discovering why some women miscarry.  It will involve experimenting on left-over human embryos after IVF.  I believe and fear that such experimentation may well lead to cloning.    
I doubt that I am alone in regarding this as immoral,  highly dangerous and obscene and that there needs to be legislation to protect  the human race from other humans indulging (themselves)  in so-called “science”  (L. “scire”:  to know).  Let science be used for beneficial, positive and what most of us could regard as ethical purposes.

No improvement until ring road is done
SIR – The congestion in Worcester will not improve until the ring road is completed and these days  people do not come to the city shopping. What happened to the proposed building at Shrub Hill Station and demolishing the old Co-op Building and for more shops there? 
Instead of allowing John Lewis to build on land needed to improve the Royal Worcestershire hospital, any parking there would be shared by shoppers and not help the hospital. 

We don’t want these sort of people here
SIR – Shocking is the word that comes to mind reading a recent report in  national newspaper.
A 42-year-old Slovakian immigrant, with a history of violence in his homeland batters a 89-year-old with a knuckle duster!
Viktor Lakatos has served six years in Slovakia for grievous  bodily harm, yet was allowed to walk on to these shores due to the freedom of movement policy with his wife and two kids in 2012 to live on benefits and handouts ever since.
He spotted a defenceless 89-year-old outside his jewellery shop, followed him home and beat him to rob him... to top upthe benefits he received. We do not want animals like this in this country. 

Going vegan is answer to global warming
SIR – I totally agree with Councillor Neil Laurenson of Worcester Green Party when he says “we need to take serious action on climate change to secure a safe climate for ourselves now” (“The changing climate is a very real concern”, Worcester News, January 14).
One of the best ways we can all do this, and protect the environment in general, is by going vegan or at least reducing our consumption of animal products.
This is because livestock and their by products account for 51 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions and animal agriculture is responsible for considerably more of such emissions than the combined exhaust from all transportation.