SIR – What mindless thugs stamping on a homeless man’s head. I hope they’re proud of themselves. 
The people on the streets are so vulnerable without the violence of these thugs. I hope one day these two are on the street so they know what it is like. The only people who know how dangerous it is are the poor unfortunately people. 
These people who do this kind of thing want locking up. They think it’s big in front of their friends but is just cowardly. Should be ashamed of themselves.
I hope the man on the street has not been too traumatised and has recovered well.
Catch these thugs.

City in need of changes for future preservation
SIR – I would like to illustrate the need for Worcester to get its future sorted and made known to the wider world, instead of, as it seems not constantly allowing the personal aspirations of council managers and their staff to hinder it. 
I recently heard a rumour that the company who own the Rover group, that’s the company who operate on the old Longbridge site, are looking to expand and are looking at various sites within a set distance of Birmingham. It seems Worcester has already been ruled out as a potential site because of incidents such as what we endured a couple of years ago when our central river crossing became unusable due to floods.  
However I’m worried, as long ago as the early 1980s, this council was repeatedly told by union groups and business leaders, that it needed to construct a dual carriageway around this city, along with two new bridges, St Peters having not been built at the time, to protect the cities businesses and enable them to be proactive in conveying their products to their customers as well as ensuring their raw products arrived on time. It was stated that this policy would benefit not just companies in Worcester, but employers in other towns to the west of Worcester. Sadly those calls have clearly been ignored and since then we’ve lost several huge employers with the loss of hundreds of jobs. 
Or as some one recently said to me, what if Kay’s still existed; it would now be completing with the major international online retailers and potentially employing several thousands of people, potentially here in Worcester. 
But we are in the sad situation, we can’t get the lay out of one major road junction right, we are hoping a piece of paper keeps our central city bridge in place and open. It begs the question how far forward do our city managers plan for. Or as it is currently rumoured is it the case that the vast majority of people in county hall are only thinking of their own job preservation.     

Demand for proper legislation or resign 
SIR – If David Cameron isn’t prepared to demand proper legislation for Britain,then let him step down ,and someone else can take up the mantle.
His feeble approach and demands so far are a insult to the British public,and anyone who put their trust in him and gave him their vote.
Immigration is just one small issue. There are far more things we must demand and get from Brussels.
As for immigration and the Syrian refugee crisis, well it doesn’t matter a hoot if the UK says its only going to take 20,000, because as soon as these people get citizenship in any EU country they are free to move to another country, so I can see a few hundred thousand moving this way.

Hope that rescue pets are given good homes
SIR – I sincerely hope the local RSPCA branch manage to find a home for Brian, the American bulldog and all the other rescued animals in their care (“Could you offer Brian his forever home?”, Worcester News, January 16).
Sadly, despite the wonderful work of the RSPCA and many other rescues, thousands of cats and dogs continue to be “put down” every year because both deliberate and irresponsible breeding is producing far more of them than there are good homes available.
Members of the public can help prevent this appalling situation by only obtaining animals from rescue centres (rather than from pet shops or breeders) and by making sure they have their dogs and cats neutered or spayed as soon as the animals are old enough for this to be done.

How does a vegan diet help global warming?
SIR – I totally disagree with Peter Talbot when he says that ‘going vegan is the answer to global warming’.
The human digestive system is not designed to deal with large amounts of vegetable matter and the by-product is all too familiar. What is not made clear in the letter is that about 10 per cent of greenhouse gases is methane and the effect of everyone turning veggie is bound to increase this percentage significantly not to mention put the wind up the Green Lobby!!!

Anti-social actions are police responsibility  
SIR –  I was annoyed to read a recent statement from a spokesman for Worcester City Council with regard to the George Street/Tallow Hill canal bridge problems. 
The anti-social behaviour is taking place in a “No-alcohol Zone” and should therefore be policed. It is not the responsibility of the Canals and River Trust and thus is a Council matter as a proportion of Council Tax funds our police force.