SIR - Driving past the old Rover Works at Longbridge the other day, the levelling of the site was very apparent and brought home to me the extent of manufacturing job losses in the UK.

Most of these jobs are being exported to China and other Third World countries by global companies who pay no taxes in this country and yet expect to sell their goods in our market.

The people whose jobs are lost are paid unemployment benefits out of our taxes. Why should I, and other taxpayers like me, pay for these benefits when they should come out of the pockets of the people who export the jobs? In effect, we, as taxpayers, are subsidising the profits of global companies. If a company wishes to export jobs they should be made to pay the costs of the unemployment benefits to the redundant workers.

At this rate we will all earn our living in the service industry which is akin to paying each of us to clean our neighbours' windows.

TERRY JAMES, Worcester.