SIR - Mr Margrett (Letters, September 12) is truly amazing in his disbelief over the EU running and controlling our country - even when all the evidence is laid clearly before him.

The EU did not order us to fight in Iraq, not on this occasion, but future plans means they will be able to do just that - Blair gave the order, not Israel or Washington, who only "requested our assistance".

However, we are currently frantically breaking up our old-established regiments to comply with Brussels orders, ready for their new European Task Force Army, which requires units of 1,500 personnel and they will then take their orders from Brussels - not Whitehall. It will be the same for all the EU member states.

Regarding the flooding - if we were not paying Brussels £139 million a day, every day of the year, we would surely have enough money to build some better flood protection.

So, yes - the EU is to blame for the flooding!