SIR - I take issue with the latest propaganda being posted out by Nunnery Labour prospective candidate Vanessa Mann.

It is claimed that a vote for anyone other than Labour will result in no weekly food collections. This is currently being looked at by a council working party and is therefore currently under review.

I would like to know however, if weekly food collections are introduced, just who will be paying for it. What truly sickens me most though, is just how low Labour will stoop to secure votes. I quote: "Cuts to youth services, community centres and hot meals for the elderly in sheltered accommodation, will go ahead".

As far as hot meals are concerned, what we have here is an already vulnerable group of elderly people in sheltered housing who are frightened about the withdrawal of the subsidy for their much-needed hot meals. Yet as this Labour prospective councillor knows full well, this is a county council matter, not city council. The suggestion seems clear to me, that a vote for Labour will help in stopping these cuts. It will not.